Adjusted GitHub Actions workflows to not run on draft PRs.
Added spellcheck GitHub Actions.
Changed SSL certs to all use .pem extensions
Analyst Tools
ojo_search_minutes() now allows for queries that include a space. Postgres operators like |, <->, and !! still work too; queries with spaces are now wrapped in quotes and treated as a single search string.
ojo_crim_cases() and ojo_civ_cases() were changed to make the case_type argument no longer case-sensitive. It also throws an error now when you ask for nonexistent values of case_type.
ojodb 2.6.1
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug related to the rlang package.
Removed renv from development environment in favor of package management using the DESCRIPTION file. This will only affect the development of the package going forward, and shouldn’t affect analysts’ use of the package.
ojodb 2.6.0
A fun loading message will now appear when the package is loaded. This can be disabled by setting OJO_LOAD_MESSAGE=FALSE in your local R environment.
The ojodb package now has its own tidyverse-compliant sticker design.
Documentation and namespacing errors (e.g. dplyr functions missing an explicit .data reference, missing namespace prefixes, etc.) were corrected. Consequently, devtools::check() now passes with minimal warnings / notes.
ojodb 2.5.0 (2023-04-18)
Analyst Tools
You can now use ojo_collect to collect but with a progress bar and helpful information.
Package Maintenance
Added ojo_version function to return the version of the package. Useful for debugging.
ojodb 2.4.0 (2023-04-13)
Package Maintenance
Exposed the ojo_env function to easily access the package-level environment where database connections are stored.
Changed the default behavior of ojo_connect to use DBI::dbConnect() instead of pool::dbPool(). Connection pools are still available by passing pool = TRUE to ojo_connect.
ojodb 2.3.4 (2023-04-13)
Analyst Tools
You can now cancel queries immediately with Ctrl + c or Cmd + c in the console.
Removed direct class comparisons in favor of inherits
Added documentation for ojo_add_issues function
Removed improper data import and resulting hard dependency on readr
ojodb 2.2.0 (2022-11-09)
Analyst Tools
Added the ojo_county_population function, which will return the population for Oklahoma counties for the given years, in a format ready to join to OJO tables.
Package Maintenance
Pruned as many dependencies as possible and moved many more to Suggests.